Awning Replacement Window Provides Better Functionality

Better energy-efficiency and increased window space was the major focus for this 1960’s Omaha, NE home. We removed the old garden bump out window and replaced it with a wood awning window. The homeowner wanted to use the sill of the window as a shelf space, so the window had to be extended out further from the wall in order to create that space. The new wood window provides better functionality and is more energy efficient.
Awning Replacement Window Provides Better Functionality
Products Chosen for This Project
- Featured Product(s): Awning Windows, Wood Windows
- Colors: Medium Wood Tone, White
- Material Used: Wood
Project Details
- Customer Type: Residential
- Showroom: Omaha
- Location Information: Omaha, NE
- Age of Structure: Built-in 1960
- Area of Structure Involved: Kitchen
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